On Saturday, August 20th, ECLAT.TECH will once again be on site for the annual Sean’s Run for ARROAutism.
The annual event, largely a 5K/10K walk/run raises money for families in Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas families during the holidays.
How Sean’s Run Helps Oregon Families
Until this year, most families in Oregon did not have access to insurance covered treatments for Autism. Indeed, many treatments are still not specifically covered. Thanks to the efforts of a number of volunteers, the late Senator Alan Bates, Senator Edwards, Autism Speaks, Autism Society of Oregon and Paul Terdal, families in Oregon finally have some breathing room when it comes to the medical costs associated with helping an Autistic family member.
While that is a tremendous help, finances for Autism families are often still severely strained, with one family member often having to quit work to help tend to younger children, recently diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum, but also due to lost work days, uncovered medical costs, additional expenses incurred to address the unique needs of some individuals with Autism, and, of course, all of the other costs associated with every other aspect of modern, American, human existence.
ARROAutism Family Holiday Assistance Project
This is where Autism Research and Resources of Oregon is stepping up. Beginning in 2007. ARROAutism established a fund to help provide access to $100 worth of groceries, as well as a select number of toys, to help Autism families during the holiday season. This small sum makes an extraordinary impact on those families who so desperately need a small ray of light.
You can help bring that light, and, At Sean’s Run 2016, even enjoy rare access to normally closed off areas of the Columbia River dike.
You can join us!

Stretch of Sean’s Run for ARROAutism 2016 – Closed off Area specially opened for this event.
Whether you want to volunteer, donate, or (best yet) participate in the run, you can!
- Register for the 5K or 10K : http://signmeup.seansrun.org
- Donate to ARROAutism : http://arroautism.org/donate
- Volunteer with ARROAutism : http://arroautism.org/volunteer
Hope to see you at 9376 NE Sunderland Ave, Portland, OR 97211 on Saturday, August 20th, 2016 !